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2012-12-26 - 18:27:51 - Filed Under: Cody Simpson

Cody: Nya instagram bilder

"I was in your presence for an hour or so, or was it a day? I truly don’t know. Where the sun never set, where the trees hung low, by that soft and shining sea. Did you respect me for what I did or for what I didn’t do, or for keeping it hid? Did I lose my mind when I tried to get rid of everything you see? In the summertime, ah in the summertime when you were with me."
"christmas surfs. @mrtobiassmith @badentelf @daynetelf @baileygallagher @billyunger"
"backyard ballin'"
"free as a rabbit. @mrtobiassmith @thejakethrupp @baileygallagher @billyunger #sbk"

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