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2012-10-15 - 23:32:00 - Filed Under: Justin Bieber

Justin slår 1D Vevo Rekord av flest visningar på 24 timmar

På bara 24 timmar, slog Justin Biebers musikvideo för hans singel, "Beauty And A Beat" ft Nicki Minaj, på 10,6 miljoner visningar i fredags!

Detta betyder VEVO rekordet för mest vyer i 24 timmar - ett rekord som tidigare innehades av One Direction med sin "Live While We're Young" video!

@VEVO twittrade:
“Oh, boy. Thanks for your patience, everybody. We have two things to announce  today. Drum roll, please…

“Congrats @justinbieber & @NICKIMINAJ! #BAAB24hrRecord is YOURS! Most  @VEVO views in 24 hours!

“24hr Record shattered w/ 10.6M VIEWS! No wonder @justinbieber is the biggest  artist in the world! #BAAB24hrRecord

“Belibers & #Barbz, congrats! This record is yours! #BAAB24hrRecord  @justinbieber @NICKIMINAJ"

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