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2013-01-27 - 13:51:01 - Filed Under: Cody Simpson

Cody: Nya instagram bilder

"Tour Bus Chills"
"the coastal tribe @mrtobiassmith @badentelf @baileygallagher @daynetelf @billyunger @maxtobitt"
"A pretty lady on the sand Soon enough she'll find That the world is in her hands She's got diamonds in her mind Though the only thing she sees Is the diamonds on her fingers Soon enough she won't be pleased Because money never lingers Behind all of that lipstick She speaks true, wise and kind And underneath all her make-up She's got diamonds in her mind She lives with her family by the water In a mansion with a boat All the jewelry her daddy bought her Just won't keep her afloat I shouldn't be falling for her And her ostentatious style But she's affluently beautiful And she's asked I stay a while Walking with her on the sand I know that soon she'll find The world is in her hands She's got diamonds in her mind Diamonds In Her Mind. Written By CS - January 26th in Miami, Florida."
"emojiemoji @mrtobiassmith @baileygallagher"
"too legit @alfredsapartment"

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