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2013-11-23 - 16:22:03 - Filed Under: Miley Cyrus

Miley: Instagram

"The best medicine. Night night emoji️"
"@mirandakerr @mertalas"
"Lets burn in hell"emojiemojiemoji @mertalas"
"blonde hurrrrr errrrrrwurrrrr emojiemojiemoji"
"Love is alllllllll you neeeeeed emojiemojiemoji"
"I love youuuuuu"
"Two days till the 2013 @theamas!!! Be sure to tune in on Sunday, November 24th (8:00-11:00 p.m. ET/PT) on ABC!"
"Soooooo close to birrrrfdayyyyy time thank you @marcjacobsintl for my early bday pressie ️"

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